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INFORUM Presents Failing Up In Business
Image by adamjackson1984
Monday, January 11, 2010
Failing Up in Business
Barry Moltz, Author, Bounce!
Moderator Cassie Phillips
Mistakes can serve as learning tools, and sometimes enhance your career.
Conventional wisdom teaches us that the road to business success is a straight one - if you work hard you'll win big, and if failure finds you at least there will be lessons to be learned. Not so, says entrepreneurship expert Barry Moltz, who regularly serves up unorthodox views on dealing with failure and defining success. In Bounce!, Moltz teaches that sometimes failure simply stinks. But if we recognize failure as a fixture of the business cycle and an opportunity for choice and change, we can build the business confidence needed to go the distance in a challenging economy. Failing certainly isn't fun, but with Moltz's tools you can bounce beyond, not just back.